Sunday, April 6, 2014

Spring Break . . . Seven-Day Forecast

Stretching ahead of me  
Seven days
168 hours
10,080 minutes
Moments that serpentine the clock with
Intermittent puttering, wrapped in
Clearing out

Creating space in the heart of clutter
For new treasures to call home
Purging what no longer fits
The room . . . a cupboard . . . my body

Yesterday I vacationed with my sister
Visiting antique stores
Letting go of the To-Do List at home
Savoring time without an agenda
Chatting and acquiring
A few more irresistible items

Today is my “free” day
I’ll make my list
Complete and cross off an item or two
(But only at my leisure – it’s ok to be interrupted!)

Tomorrow morning I will
Rev my motor
Pump some iron
Charge into the chaos
And reclaim my house

Maybe . . .


  1. This sounds like my spring break. Can't wait until the 14th.

  2. I applaud you!

    Spring is here, let the sun shine in and start anew!

  3. I've missed you. Spring Break is just what you needed. Rest and enjoy. The closets will wait. I love your poem. How's everyone doing? Hugs.

  4. Enjoy your spring break. There's such satisfaction in getting your house in order. I started, and then the spouse started the bathroom remodel and we are living in a construction zone. How can one tiny room make such a big impact on all the others? Have fun!

  5. I do hope you enjoy your time off. You've been pretty busy and need a little recharging time. Sending you a big hug. :-)

  6. I know about spring break. Always torn between catching up with non-teaching tasks and just letting go and resting and recharging. Some of each usually is the solution.

  7. I don't get a spring break, but I have been on somewhat of a spring cleaning and organizing binge. I do understand the pull of wanting to accomplish so many things but also wanting to be free to do whatever you feel like. It's sounds like you've struck a nice balance.

  8. Dear Sandi, I've been away from regular blogging for several weeks and so I"m coming late to this posting, which spoke strongly to me because I, too, am a list making. For months, I've been trying to establish a routine in my life, so as to get more done on my writing. But "life" itself intervenes and little gets done that I planned. I'm so glad that you treat yourself to days of spontaneity and no lists! Peace.

  9. Dear Sandi, I thought I'd left a comment here way back in April, but it would appear that I didn't. What I would have said then . . . and now is "Go for it! And go with the flow."

    I so hope you are okay. I'm wondering if school has ended and you are now taking a breather. Peace.

  10. Remembering your lovely posts and hoping you are doing OK.


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