Sunday, April 6, 2014

Spring Break . . . Seven-Day Forecast

Stretching ahead of me  
Seven days
168 hours
10,080 minutes
Moments that serpentine the clock with
Intermittent puttering, wrapped in
Clearing out

Creating space in the heart of clutter
For new treasures to call home
Purging what no longer fits
The room . . . a cupboard . . . my body

Yesterday I vacationed with my sister
Visiting antique stores
Letting go of the To-Do List at home
Savoring time without an agenda
Chatting and acquiring
A few more irresistible items

Today is my “free” day
I’ll make my list
Complete and cross off an item or two
(But only at my leisure – it’s ok to be interrupted!)

Tomorrow morning I will
Rev my motor
Pump some iron
Charge into the chaos
And reclaim my house

Maybe . . .